How can the UK achieve its goal of Net Zero carbon emissions?

Below is an extract of the article published in the online Sustainability Hub of the French Chamber of Great Britain:
To be able to attain the national goals of carbon emissions netting zero by 2050, we as the public must also look for ways to help reduce our carbon footprint. “The pandemic showed us how we do not have to be necessarily in person or on-site to reach our goals or achieve in our work, we can do many things remotely” expressed Pr. Sophie Méritet, who also teaches towards energy transition in the Executive MBA of Dauphine - PSL.
Pr. Méritet is delighted in the way Université Paris Dauphine – PSL and other Higher Education Institutions have taken initiatives to be more environmentally cautious. With a strong focus on ESG delivered by high-profile academics and executives, the new London Executive MBA, coming in April 2022, provides a high quality and eco-friendly way to learn, thanks to its blended learning approach. As Sophie says “Investments in clean energies are no longer the sole responsibility of States, but also of companies and executives”.
Published on 12 October 2021