Our Monthly Newsletter 🎓 January 2021

Sent the first Monday of each academic month, our monthly newsletter keeps you up-to-date with our important news, developments and events.

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January 2021

Highlights, events, news and campus life updates from Dauphine London - PSL!

2020 was a challenging year for all, however, Dauphine London - PSL succeeded in adapting to the circumstances to deliver high quality, blended learning to its students. Now that 2021 is here and with-it further restrictions, Dauphine London will continue to be resilient, continuing to put the education and wellbeing of its students at the forefront of its mission. We remain positive for the new year ahead as the new vaccine is distributed and proud of the Dauphine community for their continued efforts, thank you all! We wish you a very Happy New Year again! Stay safe, 
Cécile Sansalone, Managing Director


Did you step into Santa’s shoes during your break? The Year 2 students of our Bachelor's in Economics and Management created a special Snapchat filter in their Digital Marketing class, taught by Megan Goodwin and Valerie Bozzetto. The results were fantastic! Whilst Christmas festivities are now over, you can carry on the festive feeling by searching for “XmasDauphine” on Snapchat or by scanning the code still available!  


As of December 3rd 2020, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL has a new president, Professor El Mouhoub Mouhoud. Member of the Economics faculty, and internationally renowned expert in globalization and its effects on the economy, Professor E.M. Mouhoud wants to solidify Paris Dauphine’s global reputation. A university that is innovative, open to the world, and focused on its tripartite fundamental mission: research, initial training, and continuing education. Read more about it here!


Victor Garcia, Bachelor's Year 1 Student

1) How was your first term? 
It was going pretty well! The start of the year was really challenging due to the COVID-19 but all the measures taken by Dauphine London with the bubble groups made my experience pleasant and easygoing.  

2) What is the best thing about Dauphine London? 
One of the things I have enjoyed the most so far is certainly the student societies on the Dauphine London campus! There are so many things to be part of, from theatre workshops to charity selling, there's always something going on! 

3) What are you most looking forward to? 
I think we are all waiting for this difficult period to end and to finally see our lives go back to normal. However, I am very excited about the second semester with its new courses and look forward to undertaking new societies’ projects on campus such as the garden on the rooftop. 


We are delighted to announce that applications for the 2021 Finance Summer Schools and the 2021 International Management Summer Schools are open!  
Our Summer Schools are ideal for anyone with a thirst for knowledge and the ambition to push themselves further in their academic life or career. To find out more about it please visit our Summer Schools section here. Submit your application for 2021 here


14th December to 8th April: The international admission window for the Bachelor’s is open – more info here.

21st January: Well-being and Stress Management Education Webinar with Coach Jean-Christophe Trentinella – click here to sign up.

23rd January: Samedi des Lycéens, “Saturday for High School Students”, a 100% digital event where Dauphine London will have its own booth to showcase the Bachelor – get register here.



Published on 11 January 2021