September 2021Highlights, events, news and campus life updates from Dauphine London - PSL!
Dear All, A big welcome back! I hope this summer brought all of you some much-needed rest, relaxation, and the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. I also hope that you are looking forward to the upcoming academic year as much as we are! We are setting the bar high and in style with the annual Start of the year celebration event, at the stunning Royal Horseguards Hotel. This cocktail event is an opportunity for the ever-growing Dauphine - PSL Community in the UK, alongside its partners and friends, to celebrate the start of a meaningful and fulfilling new academic year. We are honoured to be able to host in-person Professor E.M. Mouhoud, President of Université Paris Dauphine – PSL. This is also the occasion to extend our warm welcome to Alice Mesnard, our new Chair of the Academic Board. As our Academic Board ensures the highest standards of academic provision across our programmes, Alice will bring a wealth of expertise to support academic excellence and initiatives. As announced in June, we are delighted to expand our Executive Education offer with our Executive MBA - a blended learning approach to move ambitious executives' careers forward! Please take note of our upcoming information sessions to help answer any questions you may have. We are glad to be back and cannot wait to see all of you as you come to join us on campus! Cécile Sansalone, Managing Director |
This summer on our campus has been one to remember.
Thanks to the generous donors of the Dauphine Foundation, 15 students were granted a scholarship to participate in our International Management & Finance Summer Schools on our campus. Some left some dazzling reviews; Sophonie Boirond expressed how “after a year of studying mostly online, it was an unforgettable experience to come to London to deepen my knowledge in Finance”, while Alexandre Hinh, explained that “it's been a rewarding human experience, both from an academic and personal point of view thanks to the blend of technical and soft skills learnt”. The Summer Schools were also scattered with many cultural visits exploring places like Oxford, Camden Town, visiting the Tate Modern Gallery, or networking during professional visits and events.
Not to mention our very first Summer Camp, with 8 younger summer campers coming from different London-based secondary schools. They had the chance to gain some treasurable exposure to higher education learning and to studying economics and management.
We asked Alice Mesnard, our new Chair of the Academic Board and also Reader in Economics at City, University of London, to tell us more about herself as well as her academic perspectives for the future.
1. In a few words, can you introduce yourself to our community?
As an academic at City, University of London, I teach and do research literally next door from Dauphine London! My main research interest is in public policy analysis and development economics with a special focus on migration policies. In my role of Global Engagement and Internationalization Lead, I promote international exchanges between City, University of London and other global universities including PSL. As such, I am pleased to have been appointed Chair of the Academic Board at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, London.
2. What is your connection with PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres)?
I have developed many connections with PSL and Dauphine university. First of all, I am involved in research activities with members of DIAL at Dauphine (Research Centre in International Development), and I regularly participate in their International Conference in Development Economics. As an invited professor at Dauphine, I have been following the progress of Postgraduate students and participated in PhD and HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches) as an external examiner. I’m also actively involved in PSL’s Student Life. As PSL Orchestra and Choir's Board of Directors member, I organise concerts and international tours and enjoy playing with PSL students and staff as a cellist.
3. What do you believe will be the upcoming challenges for Higher Education providers in 2021?
The main challenge these days is to provide students with a safe environment to learn, yet, encouraging international exchanges and fostering a stimulating environment. There is a particular tradeoff in these very difficult times, between enlarging student horizons – one of our main ambitions, and protecting them. Another important challenge is to continue and reinforce existing exchanges with international universities, especially within Europe, which have been shaken by Brexit. |
Last year, due to Covid-19, we were unable to hold our usual annual Start of the year event. The good news is that our annual event is BACK! We are thrilled to share with you all that we have secured the majestic Royal Horseguards Hotel, and more precisely the One Whitehall Place side which was originally built as the home of the National Liberal Club.
We are very honoured to be able to host our event in such a historic building that has been around since 1884. The landmark hotel is in Central London, within touching distance of the River Thames on the Embankment, and very near Trafalgar Square. Inside you will find Victorian grandeur and pieces of British history - Winston Churchill being a regular there!
We look forward to greeting our Alumni, Students, Partners and Friendsin person. |
Our Executive MBA is a 18-month, part-time blended programme, designed for ambitious executives looking to challenge their business mindset, leadership and management skills. While benefiting from the same curriculum as the Parisian track that has existed for over 20 years, the London Executive MBA differs by its flexibility and its resolutely international outlook. The course will allow managers seeking flexibility to maintain their professional responsibilities with a recognized MBA degree while limiting their carbon footprint by reducing travel, with a unique format of 70% online / 30% on-site gathering.
Want to know more?Sign up for our information sessions here.
Wednesday 8 September and Tuesday 28 September @6pm UK time
 | A grand total of 105 start-ups have been accompanied by the Incubator provided by Dauphine - PSL in recent years! The startup Incubator uses the power of Tech in crucial market areas to their advantage, such as: Sport, LegalTech, EdTech, PropTech, HandiTech, Culture, Tourism, GreenTech, HR, Jobbing, Gaming, Fintech, InsurTech, CivicTech, Logistic, Transport, FoodTech, BeautyTech and many more. Would you like to be the next Entrepreneur to penetrate the market using our Dauphine London – PSL Incubator? Get in touch! A question? Contact us, our team will be happy to help you ✍️ Work Hard, Have Fun, Be an Entrepreneur! |
Thank you to everyone that sent in photographs or stories detailing their summer break activities, in response to our Instagram. It looks like everyone had a wonderful break!
Amine Athamena, a third-year student that will be joining us on our London Campus this upcoming school year, shared with us some beautiful photos of his road trip in Mexico. Looking at the photos, it truly looks like a tropical paradise. Next time you see Amine, make sure to ask him how his trip went.
Do you have fun or inspiring news we could reshare? Please send us an email at marketing-dauphinelondon@dauphine.psl.eu |
8 & 28 September: London Executive MBA 2022 Information Sessions, all you need to know about our new blended programme – click here to sign up.
13 to 17 September: Christie’s Masterclass in Art Wealth Management one-week programme. |
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