Joining a society is one of the best possible ways
to get more out of your time with us
Driven by sport, art, charity or politics? You are spoilt for choice! At our London campus, we have lots of societies on offer along with the Dauphine London Student Union (DLSU). Moreover, thanks to our partnership with University College London (UCL), our students have access to their hundreds of societies and sport activities.
Dauphine London Student Union (DLSU)

We want every student to feel supported in every aspect of Student Life this is where the DLSU comes into play. The DLSU (Dauphine London Student Union) is the successor of the DLU (Dauphine London Union), formed in 2015 and dissolved in 2021. Run by the students for the students,the DLSU is responsible for the representation of all students within and outside the University. It ensures all its members' welfare and interests are protected and also promotes student societies, clubs, sports and social activities within, and outside the campus.
All students are members of the DLSU, meaning that everyone can submit a proposal of project and funds during the Committees, although Committees are monitored by the President, Vice-President, and its 8 Officers, elected by students through democratic elections each year.
DLSU's organisation and structure:
- President: they are the primary representative of the Union, supervising and coordinating all decisions. The President attends the campus Committees and is the Student Representative at the Board of Directors.
- Vice-President: they are the deputy representative of the Union, helping the President in their tasks. The Vice-President is the Deputy Student Representative at the Board of Directors.
- 2 Entertainments, Clubs and Student Societies Officers: they establish the Activities and Societies Committee and ensure that it fulfills its remit.
- 2 Welfare and Wellbeing Officers: they establish a Welfare and Wellbeing Committee and ensure it fulfills its mission.
- 2 International Officers: they ensure that international students are well integrated and listened, organise events in collaboration with international societies from other universities.
- 1 Higher Education Officer: they keep the students informed on all educational matters and ensure that Higher Education students’ views and opinions are reflected throughout the whole of the Students’ Union’s work.
- 1 Education Officer: they ensure that students’ voices are being heard, raising issues and feedback to the academic and administration teams, they keep the students informed on all educational matters.
1 Ecology Officer: they raise awareness about ecological challenges and promotes eco-friendly projects, working closely with some societies including Dau'Green.
The Union is divided into 2 Sub-Committees: The Welfare and Wellbeing Committee which establishes contact with individuals and organisations that work on wellbeing issues and suggest activities or resources to ameliorate student’s health and the Activities and Societies Committee responsible for monitoring the clubs and societies’ training, activities, fundings. The Higher Education, Ecology and International Officers work more independently but can attend the two Committees and ask for funds to prepare projects.
Find your Societies or Clubs
CAM (Culture, Arts & Music)

CAM started in 2015 as three distinct societies: the culture society, the art society, and the music society. In 2017, the three societies were merged into one, for better management and increased capabilities.
The CAM society is divided into 3 main divisions, but they all share the same goal - to create.
- The Photographic section is responsible for capturing every special moment you will spend at Dauphine London.
- The Cultural section organises events throughout the year such as musical outings, museum visits or food critic.
- The Music section (which is the central hub of this society) gathers every kind of musician so that they can play and perform as a band during concerts.
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Dau'frican is a society dedicated to the celebration and promotion of African cultures. Anchored in three primary pillars - events, education and advocacy, and humanitarian efforts - we strive to connect communities, foster learning, and support wellbeing. Our events celebrate the rich tapestry of African heritage, our educational programmes advocate for greater awareness and appreciation of the continent’s history and cultures, and our charitable initiatives aim to make tangible differences in the lives of people across Africa. Dau'frican is where culture, care, and community converge.
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The Dau'green (sustainability) society was formed in December 2019. Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability in our environment and promoting best practice among students and staff on the campus. One of the main projects of our society is to establish a garden on the campus rooftop to provide organic sustainable vegetables to all students and staff. We organise sales for ecocups and pocket ashtrays for a sustainable campus. We also organise workshops, clean walks and share a lot of content on our Instagram page!
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Dauph'International Youth

Dauph’International Youth (DIY) organises various missions in education and in infrastructure constructionaround the world. Founded in 2018, the society undertook its first humanitarian project in Vietnam in partnership with the Dauphine Volunteering Society.
Our goal: to promote education and to offer students the possibility to give some time for others. Indeed, for the third consecutive year, DIY is organising a humanitarian trip to Tanzania, targeting the Jendele and Kibele regions to develop a sustainable and innovative project with the local communities.
Consequently, at the end of each year, we organise a humanitarian mission over a period of three weeks. To ensure that all students are able to participate, we aim to raise 100% of the mission costs; these include plane tickets, accommodation, food, and vaccines.
With the DIY team, you have a great opportunity to learn about yourself and enhance your skills for both life and work while developing your awareness and engage in both your local and global community!
Dauphine Excursion Society

The Dauphine Excursion Society (DES) organises student excursions and, more specifically, sports trips around the United Kingdom.
We are a group of eighteen first- and second-year students who have a lot of projects in mind. Some examples of visits and day trips are: Windsor Castle, the Seven Sisters, and the Wye Valley. Unfortunately, because we can only go with a limited number of people, we won't be able to go with everyone outside the society. However, we are planning to organise events for all the students, such as the London Express, which will be a speed race with various logical and sporting tests across London.
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Dauphine Finance Society

The Dauphine Finance Society is a brand-new society with over 80 members on campus. The aims of this professionalising society are:
- To learn the basics of finance with short weekly posts
- To meet finance professionals
- To get internships in London and Paris
- An investment section in start-ups (Venture Capital)
- A nice line on your CV!
The society accepts all students (Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3).
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Dauphine in Aid of UNICEF

Dauphine in Aid of UNICEF was created in January 2021.
The society gathers 25 students who aim at raising awarness about inequalities in the world, especially concerning children. We also aim at raising money for UNICEF UK through events organised within the London campus, but also externally. For example, we are planning to organise a ball with UCL.
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Dauphine Junior Consulting

Who we are: Dauphine Junior Consulting is the London-based counterpart of our sister organisation from France, known as Junior-Enterprise, Dauphine Junior Consulting. With 41 years of experience, we have successfully conducted over 47 studies for a diverse range of companies, all of which have consistently placed their trust in us year after year (including prominent names such as Galleries Lafayette, SNCF, HSBC, Bosch, L'Oréal, and more) resulting in a turnover of 220,000 € in 2023.
What we do: In this context, our organisation, together with its team of highly talented students, has developed extensive expertise in the fields of marketing, communication, finance, and CSR, with the aim of assisting companies in achieving their goals. We actively participate in various networking events, allowing us to explore the business world.
Our objectives: Our primary goal this year is to enhance our reputation in London through conferences, partnerships and networking events (such as the Chamber of Commerce and PIFL). We also plan to collaborate with other consulting organisations and maintain our existing partnerships with entities like King’s Entrepreneurship Society, UCL Consulting Society, Cass Consultancy Society, and more. Furthermore, we aim to establish a federation of all Junior-Enterprises in the UK and take on a founding role within this federation. This will involve securing projects from clients in the UK.
One association, two aspects: While we maintain a professional demeanor when dealing with clients, you can still find us enjoying the vibrant life of London like any other student. Our agenda includes two weekends shared with our counterparts in Paris and Madrid, as well as one weekend in Madrid and one in London. We actively participate in events such as the SCUD (a ski trip with Dauphine students) and the Spi Dauphine (a regatta in the south of France involving 700 students, which we proudly won in 2023!)
Dauphine London MUN (Model United Nations)

The Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the United Nations where participants, known as delegates, represent different countries and work together to undertake global issues. At Dauphine London MUN Society, we turn serious international issues into exciting debates and discussions, strategic negotiations - without neglecting international relations. Model UNs are an engaging way to improve public speaking skills, fluency in English and knowledge of global contemporary issues. The MUN community is international, which makes it a great way to meet new people from different horizons who share common interests. Along with intense debate sessions, conferences include social events every night!
Our main goal is to participate in conferences organised by other universities, in London and Europe, such as the Amsterdam University College MUN in which we participated last year. The Dauphine London MUN Society recently joined the newly founded London Intercollegiate UNA Committee to unite with top London universities like Kings College, UCL, Queen Mary and more.
In addition, we organise regular training sessions on our campus. We welcome both complete beginners and more experienced students and encourage everyone to give it a try!
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Dauphine London Pétanque Club

Dauphine London Pétanque Club is a convivial and sunny society that allows students to gather around a very French activity: pétanque. Our wonderful team meets up in London's most beautiful parks to play together and enjoy every ray of sunshine.
As we are not in Marseille, hopefully the London weather is not preventing us from gathering and spending time together as a big family!
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Dauphine London Press
The Dauphine London Press society is dedicated to producing a vibrant campus newspaper called Dau'zette, a free publication designed to capture the essence of campus life. Comprising a team of 30 students, we are committed to creating an engaging platform for students.
Our goals are to ensure stronger communication within the university community and providing students with a platform to express themselves freely. From insightful articles on campus activities and classes to updates from Dauphine Paris and UCL, our newspaper will serve as a hub for all things relevant to student life. Additionally, we'll cover a wide array of topics including finance, sports, and politics.
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Dauphine London Sails (DLS)

We are a sailing association with the ultimate goal of participating in the regatta organised by Dauphine Paris: the SPI Dauphine. It is a sailing race that brings together over 600 students in the south of France from April 12 to 19. During the regatta, there are also multisport challenges every day (soccer, running, sneakers, etc.).
We are a group of 17, and during the year we mainly look for sponsors to finance the race. We also a organise a lot of meetings togethers in order to create a real team spirit and win the regetta. A lot of meetings are planned with other sailing associations too, from example from UCL, King's College, Warrick, Bath, etc.
At the beginning of April, we all head off to Marseille to join our skippers for 5 days of intense sailing training! The DLS is a sporting, friendly, supportive and competitive association.
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Dauphine Strategy Defense (DSD)

The society is an affiliate of the Dauphine Strategie Defense Paris, and it has been created in partnership with Kings College, UCL and Jeunes IHEDN UK. The goal of Dauphine Strategy Defense London is to organise conferences on diplomacy and the defense sector. We are linked to the French Embassy and organise debates and discussions with other Universities on defense strategies and other global issues.
Additionally, we organise visits to museums on relevant topics and work with Dauphine Strategie Defense Paris to organise cross-campus events, one taking place in Paris and the second one in London. This allows our members to partake in a second integration weekend which is hosted by our Parisian counterpart.
Finally, members of our association benefit from a subscription to the Economist in order to facilitate access to news sources.
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Dauphine Volunteering Society

The Dauphine Volunteering Society is a society made of motivated students who want to make a difference and add value to London's community.
Our team engages in volunteering through a wide variety of charitable actions. Throughout the year, we organise fundraising events for different charities, raise awareness about social issues, and most importantly, we patrol King’s Cross and Angel every week to give food and essential hygiene products to homeless people.
Our society enables students to experience priceless moments, such as putting a smile on someone's face. Helping others and being surrounded by open-minded, creative, and determined members, students develop soft skills such as teamwork, responsibility and flexibility.
If you are willing to join our team, please, do not hesitate to contact us. More information is available on our Instagram page (link below). You can also email us at
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Dauphine London Sports Society

At the Sport Society of Dauphine, we are more than just a club; we are a vibrant community united by our love for sports and an unwavering commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle.
Here's what sets us apart:
- Diverse Sports: From heart-pounding team sports like soccer and basketball to individual challenges like running and tennis, we offer a diverse range of activities to cater to every interest.
- Community Spirit: Joining our society means becoming part of a supportive and energetic community. Forge lasting friendships with like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm for sports and personal growth.
- Competitions and Events: We aim at organising vibrant and innovative events across the year to support all Dauphine students’ wellbeing and give everyone the opportunity to get to move. Get ready for the thrill of friendly competitions and exciting events throughout the year. Showcase your skills, celebrate victories, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
In the end, we will always be there to organise the best events in the best conditions so that you can enjoy your experience here in London. You’ll never walk alone!
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Start your own!
You don't see your passion here? You have freedom to start any new club!
Every year new societies are being approved by the Dauphine London Activities Committee.