External admissions open: enroll in the Bachelor’s Year 2 or 3

Are you heading to your second or third year? Are you looking for opportunities to study abroad and specialise in Economics and Management?
Join Dauphine London – PSL campus and enroll in the prestigious Bachelor’s in Economics and Management (same diploma as the Licence Sciences des Organisations of Dauphine – PSL).
Year 2 entry:
• Who can apply? Students who have or are completing a first year of study (L1 / 60 ECTS equivalent).
• How to apply? Submit your application on MyCandidature (link) platform. The application window is open until 1st June (4pm BST).
Year 3 entry:
• Who can apply? Students who have or are completing a two-year degree (L2 / 120 ECTS equivalent, e.g. DUT).
• How to apply? Submit your application on MyCandidature (link) platform. The application window is open until 19th May (4pm BST).
Taught entirely in English at our beautiful campus in central London, the Bachelor's programme is ideal for students with an international outlook who are looking for a broad but rigorous curriculum combining high academic standards, high language proficiency and individualised guidance.
Dauphine London – PSL offers the Management Major in Year 3.
To find out more about the course and admission process please visit our Bachelor's in Economics and Management dedicated page.
Publié le 26 avril 2021